Life is for deep kisses, strange adventures, midnight swims, and rambling conversations.

So true.

ask nico

Focus on the more important things and leave those that stop you from living your life the way you want it to be. More often than not, the things that matter most cannot be found in your everyday to-do lists.

Life is for deep kisses, strange adventures, midnight swims, and rambling conversations. Life is about enjoying every minute you have and creating wonderful memories simply because it feels good to be alive.

Live life beautifully. It’s your greatest legacy.

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Because I’m Happy….

So while I have known of Pharrell for a minute, I never really paid attention to the dude. I was familiar with his music but never thought about ‘the man behind the music’. But that all changed with this

I watched his interview on CBS This Morning and basically fell in love with the guy. While the EGO runs so many artists in the music industry today, Pharrell understands that ALL THE FACTORS involved in making him what and who is today. This hit me.

“Are you afraid if you give yourself too much credit, it would all go away?”

“For sure,” he said. “You see people spin out of control like that all the time. I mean, those are the most tragic stories, the most gifted people who start to believe it’s really all them. It’s not all you. It can’t be all you. Just like you need air to fly a kite, it’s not the kite. It’s the air.”

I appreciate souls like him. Read the entire interview here.

And then there’s this:


I appreciate souls like him. Read the entire interview here.



Getting Back to Basics…

It has bee a busy couple of weeks for me as school is winding down. I haven’t had much time to breathe, let alone blog. The fact is Algebra (yes the same Algebra that I loved in Class 3 or 4 back in Ghana) has had no mercy on my a$$ these past few weeks. I mean who uses this ish in “real life” anyway?? Not me! It has been a nightmare to say the least; but no worries, I am slowly getting my groove back and will end the “Ghanaianbella Diaries” drought in no time.

See you soon!